striving for perfection in your process 🔄
but leader, holding that standard to yourself…
its killing you 😞
I love me some checklists
over the past few months
I’ve been creating one everyday
(except Sunday because my coach Christos says something about self care and taking a day off 😜)
taking a post it note 📝
writing 6-7 things down each day
to check off my list
this is helpful in getting me clear on my prioties for the day
seeing them clearly
but their have been multiple times where “perfectionist Sam” comes to play and he:
☑️is not kind
☑️speaks down to me
☑️tells me I have fallen short
over time I’ve learned how to speak to this part of me
to tell me, like I tell you today, when your perfectionist comes up
when you don’t get everything on your list done
You are Perfect
you don’t need any edits
Struggling with your inner perfectionist? Let's chat!
Comment below 👇🏻 on how you speak to the perfectionist in you